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Mary the Cow - Rose Quartz
Toadstool Toad - Quartz
Tomato Frog - Carnelian
Gargoyle Gecko
Elsa the Cow - Rose Quartz
Fidget Platypus
Loveyoua'lottl - Rose Quartz
Tiny Snail - Carnelian
Rainbow Frog
Tiny Toad - Amethyst
Milk Snake
Mushroom Lizard - Moss Agate
Opal Octopus Spell Bottle
Octopus Spell Bottle
Tiny Octopus - White Agate
Plague Doctor - Amethyst
Tiny Snaillotl- Green Aventurine
Amethyst Raven
Leopard Gecko - Various Crystals
Protection Spell - Toad
Orange Newt Necklace - Quartz
Cyan Axolotl (Minecraft) - Amazonite/ "Diamond/Prismarine shard"
Day Gecko
Tiny California Newt